Travel-On Travel Industry News
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Friday, April 3, 2015
News Alert

Kenya – Terror Threats

Al-Shabaab threatens continued attacks in Kenya. Travelers are urged to exercise extreme caution.

Measles – Watch Level 1 Issued

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued Watch Level 1 advisories for measles in Vietnam, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Angola, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the lowest of three advisories it issues, meaning it recommends travelers “practice usual precautions” – in this case, being vaccinated for measles prior to traveling.

Philippines – Typhoon Maysak

Typhoon Maysak is expected to sweep Luzon starting April 4, 2015. People in the affected areas should monitor local news and weather reports and follow the advice of local authorities.

Thailand – Marshal Law Lifted

On April 1st, 2015, martial law was lifted from most parts of the country.

Q and A

Is it true that I’m not supposed to smile for a passport photo?

Smiling in passport photos has indeed been banned in many countries. In the U.S., guidelines state that you must have a “neutral expression” with the eyes fully open. A slight, closed-mouth smile is acceptable so long as other facial features, such as the eyes and nose, are not distorted. Many airports today used biometric scanning and facial recognition software. While distinctive biometric patterns can rarely be sufficiently distorted to prevent a match, the requirement for a “neutral expression” helps to ensure this.


Submit a question

  • Dodge City, Kansas, holds the title of Windiest City in the United States
  • There are 27 Walnut Creeks in Kansas
  • In Kansas the Arkansas River is called the Arkansas (ahr-KAN-zuhs) and in Colorado and Oklahoma it is called the Arkansaw (AR-kan-saw)
  • Kansas may be said to be “flatter than a pancake,” but it’s an angled pancake rising from 700 feet above sea level in the east to more than 4,000 in the west
  • Harvey House, the first restaurant chain in the U.S., began in Kansas
  • Kansas wheat farmers annually produce enough wheat to give each person in the world 6 loaves of bread
  • When surveyors in North America measure property lines they are measuring from Meade’s Ranch, Kansas, the Geodetic Center of North America



American and US Airways Combined Loyalty Programs

American and US Airways have merged their frequent flyer programs. Members will soon receive an email with information on accessing their account via or, earning and redeeming miles, combined benefits for elite members and benefit enhancements on Citi®/AAdvantage® credit cards. Members will also receive information on any Dividend Miles mileage balance, Preferred-qualifying activity, and million mile balance transferred to their new or existing AAdvantage account. If a member matched their account, it may take a few days to complete the transfer. Matched members will receive another email with their combined balances when this is completed. To make sure they are eligible for elite upgrades, customers should book flights that are marketed and operated by the same airline – either American or US Airways. If customers are booked on a codeshare flight, they’ll only be able to upgrade when they check in, based on availability.
