The Caribbean has 28 island nations that include 7000 islands Approximately 700 of the islands are in the Bahamas More than 40 million people live in the Caribbean, yet only 2% of the 7000 islands are inhabited 75% of the Caribbean population lives in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Cuba …
Weekly Online Booking Tip – 2017-12-08
Concur Tip: If you and a coworker will be traveling together, you could use the Clone Trip feature to book the same flights for your coworker, provided you are assigned as the Travel Assistant in the other traveler’s Concur profile. Deem Tip: Unlike many public booking sites, Southwest’s lowest fares …
What is the latest on the Real ID Act? Are any states not compliant still?
Currently, 27 states are fully compliant. Of the remaining states, 20 so far have been granted an extension til Oct 10, 2018. The three remaining states – Louisiana, Michigan, and New York – are under review, but expected to be granted extensions as well. Travelers with a driver’s license from …