• The longest continuous bridge over water in the world is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana at126,122 feet. The bridge is so long that for 8 of its 24 miles, you can’t see land in any direction
  • At 22 miles, the Hangzhou Bay Bridge in China is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world
  • Next time you’re in the Netherlands check out the aptly-named “Moses Bridge” in Halsteren, a wooden pedestrian bridge which parts the waters surrounding the Fort de Roovere
  • The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain in South Korea is a combination bridge and fountain with nearly 10,000 LED nozzles that run along both sides, shooting out 190 tons of water per minute
  • In 1910 the high-level walkways on the Tower Bridge in London, designed so that the public could still cross the bridge when it was raised, were closed due to lack of use
  • At $15, the most expensive toll bridge in the U.S. is the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge connecting Staten Island and Brooklyn
  • Bridges are designed to move; for example, the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia can rise or fall up to 7.1 inches due to the steel expanding or contracting as temperatures change